This particular Hebrew print represents the continuous flow of Jewish books and thought and the organic bond that always remained between them. Sefer HaRuach Chen is a commentary to Maimonides’ widely known work, the Guide for the Perplexed. The original book was written in Arabic language but in Hebrew script. It was later translated to Hebrew by Shmuel Ibn Tibbon of Béziers. Author and translator communicated extensively and frequently exchanged letters. Sefer HaRuach Chen was first printed in Venice in 1549 in Israel Cornelius Adelkind’s printing-house. Adelkind learnt the trade of printing from Daniel Bomberg, the first typographer to print Hebrew books. (He was the first to publish volumes of the Talmud in print; the pagination of the individual volumes and page numbering follow his convention until today.) The notes on the side of the page were written in unidentified Sephardic handwriting from the early modern period, however the book had been in Ashkenazi environment, in the possession of Rabbi Tóbiás Rosenthal, the Neologue rabbi of Bonyhád before 1917.